Our model of relationship-centric care is backed by research.
The Upstream Approach
Our goal is to intervene in crisis situations before children are harmed. We want to befriend families who are struggling in order to build relationships and strengthen parents so that foster care is not the only option. This is known as the "upstream approach."
Together for Good prioritizes child safety, followed by family preservation. We know that systems and programs are in place to respond when children are harmed, but we want to wrap around families to prevent that harm from ever occurring.
We know that family separation is traumatic for children. When it's safe to do so, we want to keep children with their families so that trauma is minimized. We never want families to face overwhelming circumstances on their own. Instead, we wrap around vulnerable families to care for both the children and the parents, creating the opportunity for everyone to stay together in safe, healthy relationships.
When an already vulnerable parent experiences a crisis, such as the loss of a job or hospitalization, we provide a safe place for their children to stay as they work to stabilize beyond the crisis.
If a medical or mental health need occurs, children can stay with friends made through Together for Good instead of with strangers. If a parent is struggling with addiction, they can choose treatment with confidence and peace knowing their children will be well cared for.

This upstream approach is accomplished through our network of volunteers. Together for Good, creates pathways for volunteers from local churches to come alongside vulnerable families in Christ-centered ministry. Together we work to ensure that families and children never walk alone.
Being "upstream" means parents are empowered and supported. It means children are protected. It means the Church is able to live out the biblical call to serve our neighbors.​
Our Model in Action
The correlation between relationships and human flourishing cannot be ignored.
Research consistently points to the connection that community and a sense of belonging have to the health of a family. Parents who perceive that they are socially isolated and alone are "associated with a 71% increase in the odds of parents physically neglecting their children. Additionally, a one-unit increase in parental perceived social isolation was associated with an 84% increase in the odds of emotional neglect." These statistics, published in a study by the National Institutes of Health, showed that social isolation was a bigger predictor of physical neglect than job loss.
Our model puts relationships at the center of our services – because we know that without relationships, these services will ultimately fail to meet the needs of struggling families.
Research Behind the TFG Model

Harvard Study of Adult Development
Research conducted throughout nearly 80 years found that close relationships, above any other factor, are what keep people happy throughout their lives. Study Director Dr. Robert Waldinger stated, “Loneliness kills. It’s as powerful as smoking or alcoholism.”

Surgeon General Study on the Epidemic of Loneliness
In 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General published a study on the health harms of social isolation. "Given the significant health consequences of loneliness and isolation, we must prioritize building social connection the same way we have prioritized other critical public health issues such as tobacco, obesity, and substance use disorders. Together, we can build a country that’s healthier, more resilient, less lonely, and more connected,” said U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy.

The Impact of Removal on Children and Their Families
A study published in 2019 by Michigan Law School stated, "Research clearly establishes the profound and irreparable damage family separation can inflict on children and their parents." Removing a child from their home is, at times, necessary. However, because the event is so traumatic, it should only be done when all other options are exhausted. It should not be the first resort or the solution to a temporary crisis.

NIH Study on Social Isolation and Child Neglect
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Institutes of Health conducted a study on how social isolation impacted parenting and the potential harm of children. The research showed that when parents are socially isolated, the potential for harsh discipline, conflict, emotional distancing, and physical neglect all increase.